Booms close off three of the entrances to our area – Chaplin, Kayburne and Tiptol.•
- The Ferero gate was permanently locked by the council years ago
- Farrow gate is only opened during the week for peak traffic hours (6 – 9am and again 4-7pm)
- Tiptol gate is opened Monday to Sunday during the day but closed at night for increased security to the suburb.
- The booms are also manned 24 hours a day by Proforce Security.
Though the booms cannot stop anybody from entering the suburb, they send out a message that we monitor our area carefully, and they are a definite deterrent to criminals.
We have our own Proforce Reaction Vehicle stationed in our area 24 hours a day which means that their response times will be quick.
We have 9 sites with cameras of which 6 are monitored by OSM and 3 monitored ad hoc by Ina, the RRA administrator. In 2019 we asked all residents for a once off amount to raise Capex to start upgrading our current camera system to an off-site real time monitoring system.
We are glad to report that four sites are live on the new system and being monitored real time. This is a costly project as these cameras will now also have monthly monitoring fees needing not only electricity but wi-fi too. The RRA will therefore be obliged to roll out in stages as and when it can be agreed with residents housing these current cameras for us.
We apply for our boom authorization at the JRA every two years to ensure we are legal and have valid wayleaves in place for all our camera spots and booms being used in the suburb.