083 457 3653 office@rra.org.za

Membership benefits include:

  • Direct telephonic access to the ProForce response vehicle.
  • New RRA members qualify for a 12 months free ProForce home security contract.
  • Existing members qualify for discounted monthly rate to Proforce security for their personal property.
  • Assistance with any security related matters through ProForce’s technical and security teams.
  • Security Alerts and crime “Flash Reports” and are sent out exclusively to members on our community WhatsApp groups.
  • Assistance with escalating members’  municipal service issues that have been previosuly reported wtihout successful resolution. Proactive reporting of municipal issues within the community is also managed by the RRA.
  • Access to the RRA Commnunity WhatsApp groups where you will be notified and updated of all municipal related issues as well as RRA initiatives and community engagements.
  • Business owners receive a free listing on our website and discounted rates for advertising in our newsletter and social media pages.
  • Access to the RRA marketing and referrals group where residents and business owners can promote and sell products and services to a community of over 300 households.
  • Membership signage board and vehicle stickers  identifying you as an RRA member.
  • Common areas serviced and maintained by a gardener weekly, keeping our neighbourhood well kept.

Membership to the RRA is R550/month and assists us in keeping our neighbourhood safe and well-maintained.